If you are considering having your students create their own ePortfolio websites, then I have several tips that I would like to share with you based on my experience in the classroom. If you really have no idea where to start, then I highly recommend that you checkout this incredibly detailed lesson that I put together here. TpT even recommended this resource in their blog post. If you want to watch a short video that I put together about ePortfolios, check out the video below. If your district is using Google Apps for Education, then I definitely recommend using Google Sites.
Have your students create sketches of their website ideas before they create their ePortfolio.
Show your students previous student examples so that they have a general idea of what they will be creating.
Require your students to work their way through a Google Sites tutorial before turning them loose to create their website. From my experience, hands fly up like crazy in this unit. “How do I create a new page?” …. “How do I get this picture into the background?” … “How do you add a favicon?”
Create authentic self and peer assessments. Give the students a rubric that will make sense to them.
Share the final websites with the parents.
If you have any questions or comments about ePortfolios, please drop a comment below or email me! [email protected] Thanks and happy designing! ~Hayley Wood |
AuthorHayley Wood is a middle school computer technology teacher specializing in innovative activities and Google Apps for Education. Categories