Wouldn't you love to get a head start on planning lessons for your classroom next year? What better way to do so than to win a $75 TPT Gift Card! See the details below to learn how to enter to win!
In addition to this giveaway, I am also having a SALE in my TPT store. All of my resources are 20% off until Midnight tonight, June 11 2017. Click here to check out my store! Below are some Back to School resources you may like... click on any image to view the item in my TPT Store!
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, but I would never recommend any product that I have not personally tried and loved.
I chose to use my Cricut to make personalized cups for all of our front office workers and all of our admin. My school is a middle/high school {6-12}, so I had a total of NINE people to make end of year gifts for. I did not want to be a cheap-o, but I also had to be economical. See the pic below to see how they turned out!
Prize: $75 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), Co-hosts: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), It's a Teacher Thing, Mickey's Place, Reading and Writing Redhead, A Plus Kids, Amanda's Little Learners, The Chocolate Teacher, Heart 2 Heart Teaching, The Literacy Garden, PreK Kristin, Teaching Ideas For Those Who Love Teaching, Teacher Jeanell, Kamp Kindergarten, Leah Popinski, Digging Deep to Soar Beyond the Text, MM Bilingual, Right Down the Middle with Andrea,Trending Technology in Tennessee, A Library and Garden, Kelly McCown, Planet Happy Smiles, Teacher Mama School, Catch My Products, Samson's Shoppe, Glistening Gems, Jackie Crews, and Kathryn Watts. Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter. Giveaway ends 5/13/17 and is open worldwide. Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers!
I don't know about you, but this last quarter of the school year is absolutely crazy at my school. We are a middle/high school with continuously rotating schedules that are impacted by the mass amounts of testing going on (not to mention we are an IB school, which brings in even MORE tests, sigh).
If you are feeling a little overwhelmed, why not take a quick moment to enter to win a $75 TPT Gift Card? See the details below!
Prize: $75 Teachers pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), Co-hosts: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), A Plus Kids, Planet Happy Smiles, Jackie Crews, Ms. K, Amanda's Little Learners, It's a Teacher Thing, Teachers Caravan, Heart 2 Heart Teaching, The Chocolate Teacher, Reading and Writing Redhead, Samson's Shoppe, Teacher Gameroom, The Literacy Garden, Peas In A Pod, A Place of Story,Kathryn Watts, Mickey's Place, Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten, MM Bilingual, Little Smarticle Particles, PreK Kristin,Teaching Ideas For Those Who Love Teaching, Teacher Jeanell, Kamp Kindergarten, Leah Popinski, Momma with a Teaching Mission, Trending Technology in Tennessee, and Teacher Gone Digital. Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter. Giveaway ends 4/13/17 and is open worldwide. Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers! ![]() Hi everyone! I don't know about you, but coming back from Spring Break is absolutely refreshing, energizing, yet..... so awful. I hate testing season!!!! In an attempt to lift your spirits {if you feel the same way I do}, why not enter to win a TPT $25 gift card! I love sending out these opportunities, and I'm super thankful for the super blogger Kelly Malloy that is the leader of these giveaways. Be sure to visit the rafflecopter below and enter to win NOW! GIVEAWAY DETAILS: Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), Co-hosts: An Apple for the Teacher, Mrs. Hansens Helpfuls, Patricia Hudak, Southern Drawl, Teaching Loving Caring, Trending Technology in Tennessee, and Kathryn Watts. Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter. Giveaway ends 4/10/17and is open worldwide. Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media? Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers!
Happy Monday! I just finished created a new {Growing} Digital Bell Ringer resource that I would love for you to check out if you are in a 1:1 classroom. I think any middle school teacher would love this resource to start every class with a seamless flow. Meanwhile, keep reading below to find out about a $25 Gift Card Giveaway! One way to enter to win is to follow me on Pinterest, and I have included the follow button below for your convenience. You can also follow me on Pinterest to see more of my FREE resources! I appreciate any saved Pins from my {TPT} Trending Tech TN board. You can find a snippet of the board below, or you can simply follow me.
Hi friends! I have collaborated with some other awesome teacher-authors from Teachers Pay Teachers to offer you the chance to win a $25 TPT Gift Card!! The instructions are simple and can be found below :-)
Please share this post anywhere that you would like! GIVEAWAY DETAILS: Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), Co-hosts: An Apple for the Teacher, Trending Technology in Tennessee, Teaching Loving Caring, Teacher Gameroom, Hayley Wood, and Sweet Dee's Science Shop. Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter. Giveaway ends 4/3/17 and is open worldwide. Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media? Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers!
Hi there teacher friends! Today only, 2/28/17, my ENTIRE TPT store is 20% off! In addition, anyone spending over $10 TODAY ONLY will receive my SAINT PATRICK'S DAY WEBQUEST FOR FREE!!!
If you spend $10, email me with your username and I will verify your purchases and then send you the webquest! GIVEAWAY DETAILS: Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher) Co-hosts: An Apple for the Teacher, Right Down the Middle with Andrea, Trending Technology in Tennessee, Teaching Loving Caring, Samson's Shoppe, Glistening Gems, DLT's Teaching Resources, and TeachingLife. Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter. Giveaway ends 3/6/17 and is open worldwide. Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media? Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers! Hi Friends!
Teachers love freebies, right? Well you are in luck today! I have partnered with some awesome teachers to share a ton of freebies just for you! Just head over to my Instagram to follow the freebie loop and find the instructions, plus enter to win some gift cards while you are there - a $25 TpT gift card and a $15 Starbucks gift card!!! Winners will be announced on Feb. 28, 2017. Link: http://bit.ly/Instagramtrendingtechtn Finally! You can now embed videos in your Google Slides projects directly from Google Drive!2/14/2017
What a better way for Google to say HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY than by releasing some AWESOME new features!
I have waited for this feature for SO LONG! When my students give their All About Me Presentations, they often like to include videos of pets or of their family. Unfortunately, they have had to upload the video to YouTube if they really wanted to include the video, and I personally never felt that this was a very safe option. Well, thanks to this awesome new release, the students can now embed the videos DIRECTLY FROM DRIVE! This is my favorite update, EVER, for Google Suite.
Wanna know how to do this? View the screenshots below! P.S. This is also included in my Google Slides Tutorial. This is a great resource to have to use for students and teachers alike.
If you are interested in downloading the entire Google Slides Tutorial, then click the button below. Thanks so much for reading, and feel free to share my images on social media! Please just link back to me :-)
Happy Valentine's Day!
I wanted to spread some love today, so I partnered up with Kelly Malloy and some other great teachers to offer you the opportunity to win a $25 TpT gift card! Entering is so easy, and instructions are below! Meanwhile, are you by chance looking for a last minute activity to do with your students to celebrate Valentine's Day? If so, check out my Valentine's Day Webquest. Looking to give your students a nice treat for Valentine's Day that isn't filled with sugar? If so, get my FREE Valentine's Day Pencil Toppers! GIVEAWAY DETAILS: Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), Co-hosts: An Apple for the Teacher, Tech Teacher Pto3, Sarah Griffin, The Reading Clubhouse, Digging Deep to Soar Beyond the Text, Trending Technology in Tennessee, Calling All Ducklings, Special Inspirations , and Kathryn Watts. Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter. Giveaway ends 2/20/17 and is open worldwide. Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media? Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers!
These Valentine's Day Pencil Toppers are the perfect gift to give to your students this Valentine's Day! A local Plywood Store that my grandfather retired from donated a large box of pencils to me to use in my classroom, and I wanted to be sure to make the most of their donation. I ultimately decided that I wanted to use these pencils as a Valentine's Day treat for my students, but I definitely wanted to jazz them up a little!
I decided to get creative and design some pencil toppers in Google Slides. The picture below is an example of one of the slides I created.
Here is what I did....
See the final result below!
Thanks for reading! Please feel free to share the above images and link back to this article on social media! I would LOVE to see how you use these in your classroom. Please comment and share your thoughts/ideas below.
Happy Early Valentine's Day! - Hayley Wood
Hi Friends! I don't know about you, but I always hate the day after the Superbowl in regards to teaching! I personally am always lacking on sleep, and my students are CrAzY!!! I thought I would offer a little pick-me-up by giving away a $10 TpT Gift Card just in time for the sitewide TpT sale! My entire store will be 20% off, so be sure to not miss out!
Enter below to WIN YOUR TpT Gift Card! A winner will be announced at at Midnight tonight! TpT Sale Details: It's a TpT 2-Day Sale! The sitewide sale runs Tuesday, February 7th at 12:01 a.m. (ET) through Wednesday, February 8th at 11:59 p.m. (ET).
Hi friends! I have partnered up with Kelly Malloy and some other great teachers to make this giveaway possible! Please share with everyone on social media. Details are below, and please comment with any questions :-)
GIVEAWAY DETAILS: Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher), Co-hosts: An Apple for the Teacher, Mrs Hansens Helpfuls, Teachers Caravan, A Place of Story, ZippadeeZazz, PreK Kristin, Purple Palmetto, Trending Technology in Tennessee, Angie S, KB3Teach, Kathryn Watts, Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter. Giveaway ends 2/5/17 and is open worldwide. Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media? Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers!
Today I wanted to share my favorite way to get my students EXCITED about my class, my subject, and most importantly - about LEARNING!
I am using a collaborative Google Slides project this February with my 6th grade Computer Tech students to learn about Black History Month. My students absolutely LOVE working on and editing a digital project at the same time as their peers, and Google Slides is my favorite tool to use for this purpose. What could possibly be more exciting to a teacher than seeing students really excited about learning? My thoughts are....not too much of anything! Every SINGLE time that I do a project with my students in a collaborative Google Suite type of project, they ALWAYS ask me if they can continue working on the project "together" when they go home for the day. How often do your students ASK to go home and do SCHOOLWORK??? Before I started creating and using collaborative Google Slides projects, my answer to this was NEVER!
If you aren't sure how to navigate Google Slides or how to properly share Google Slides with the correct editing permissions for this project, be sure to get my Google Slides tutorial. It explains everything one could possibly need to know about sharing and editing a Google Slide project.
Why do I think that student collaboration is an incremental key to student learning? For starters, I am a firm believer in student-centered learning. Additionally, I believe that higher-level learning (such as synthesizing information from several publications or online resources) can have a much larger impact when completed collaboratively.
I would love to hear what you guys think in the comments section below! Meanwhile, don't miss out on your chance to win a FREE COPY of my Black History Month collaborative student project! Thanks for reading! -Hayley
Enter below to win my Black History Month project for FREE!
Below I have embedded the TPT listing for the Black History Month Resource in case you wanted to check out more details about the project.
I use Google Drive and all of the amazing features that it contains on a DAILY basis. In order to increase my productivity and become more efficient during my planning period time, I wanted to find quicker, better ways to navigate and work in Google Suite. Below are my favorite shortcut keys to use, and I also teach them to my students.
I personally print these out, laminate them, and place them at every computer station within my classroom for my students. I hope you can find a great use for them! Feel free to download and print for personal use.
Here are my favorite Google Docs shortcut keys...
I print and laminate these workouts and then have my students track their progress with dry erase markers. Please click the image below to make a free copy!
This shortcut key combo is BY FAR one of the most helpful of all. My students PANIC when they accidentally close their tabs, but thankfully this shortcut keys saves them every time! Download your own copy by clicking HERE! #freebies #edtech
I finally took the time to sit down and complete the Google Certified Educator LEVEL 2 exam yesterday, and I am SOO glad that I did! For any teachers interested in completing this exam, I would highly recommend it. Please feel free to comment below for any questions! My biggest piece of advice: set aside 3 full hours with NO distractions! Click the READ MORE button below to sign up to receive your FREE Google Drive Tutorial! Do you want to receive my Google Drive Tutorial totally FREE? Click the image below to sign up!
I am a middle school soccer coach, and funds can be pretty tight for middle school athletics. When planning for our banquet, I wanted to add some soccer decor on a limited budget. I created these simple soccer ball napkin rings in Google Drawings and then printed them onto card stock. They turned out SO CUTE! Get your free downloadable set in the link below! Please use these for personal use only.
This is solely a freebie to my blog followers; it is full price in my TPT store! I would like to ask that you please LEAVE A COMMENT on this post, and then SHARE THIS POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA WHILE TAGGING ME :-) This unique webquest integrates the use of learning how to use Google Slides while also learning about the history of MLK, Jr. Day. Students will learn how to: - create a flyer in Google Slides about MLK - insert text into a table while learning facts about MLK - crop pictures of MLK into shapes while also citing sources - embed videos in Google Slides of one of MLK Jr.'s infamous speeches - insert word art In addition, a sample flyer is included, as well as an answer key for the fact based component of this webquest. I have also included an ENTIRE copy of a student's actual answers to this webquest. I have also included the Google Slides link at the bottom of this post for you to make your very own copy. Please share on social media and tag me if you make a copy! @trendingtech_tn Click here to view my other products on my TPT store Click here for MY WHOLE COURSE COMPUTER TECH CURRICULUM AND MATERIALS Click here for THANKSGIVING WEBQUEST Click here for COLUMBUS DAY WEBQUEST Click here for HALLOWEEN WEBQUEST Click here for CINCO DE MAYO WEBQUEST Click here for LABOR DAY WEBQUEST Click here for MY ENTIRE HOLIDAY WEBQUEST BUNDLE
AuthorHayley Wood is a middle school computer technology teacher specializing in innovative activities and Google Apps for Education. Categories